Farewell, Tim Russert!
Howard Dean on the Passing of Tim Russert
Washington, DC - Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement on the passing of NBC Meet the Press host Tim Russert:
"Today we lost one of the true giants of American journalism and a tremendous public servant.
Tim Russert will be remembered for many things. A committed family man, devout Catholic, devout sports fan, author, mentor.
A tough interviewer, Tim delivered the news with authority, in a plain-spoken way that made the great issues of our day accessible to everyone. His love of politics and our country came through in his relentless pursuit of the truth and in the quality of his work as a journalist.
On this sad day, our thoughts and prayers are with his family and loved ones."
Thanks, Ho-Ho.
Look... my heart goes out to the Russert family. I can't imagine what it must be like for his family this Father's Day Weekend. I just don't think he's the journalist we all make him out to be.
Who can forget the time he explained his failure to verify the Bush administration's prewar claims with other government officials by lamenting, "I wish my phone had rung."
What about his moderation of debates? "Dennis... have you seen a UFO" ring a bell? How about the time he pressed Obama about Louis Farrakhan? There was a reason government officials kept going back to Meet the Press (Cheney anyone?). They knew he wouldn't press them and they could get away with their cookie-cutter talking points. I saw that a lot on MTP. To his credit he did allow some voices of dissent on his show, like Nader and Feingold. But not often. What about the soldiers who testified at the WInter Solider Hearings? Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War? where' their voice at the table? What about the countless number of Iraqi children hit by "collateral damage?" Then there was his shameless defense for Don Imus. Nuff said. For more on Russert visit:
Look, my heart goes out to his colleagues and family. I really mean it. But IMO Russert did not exemplify a tough, no holds barred style of journalism. My idea of good journalism comes from the likes of Amy Goodman, I.F. Stone, Seymour Hersh, Helen Thomas, Jeremy Scahill, Upton Sinclair, Mohammed Omer, Dahr Jamail, and Robert Fisk, my personal favorite. They hold/held officials feet to the fire. Russert cared more about his access.
Posted by: Redrum | Monday, June 16, 2008 at 11:55 AM
Agreed. Russert wasn't as great as the legend.
Posted by: Dell | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 08:10 PM