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Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the Thirteenth

Dark_sky_2 Relax, Pedro. You’re back on the Keppra, the stuff that prevents seizures. You thought you were smarter than the doctor. Stopped taking it. After more than a year of twice daily pill-popping, you wanted to be “off drugs.”

But you learned the hard way that some drugs are good for you, didn’t you?

Some are downright necessary.


Meanwhile there is a gubernatorial race going on somewhere, isn’t there?

Gentleman Jim Douglas, we know, is in continuous campaign mode. Gov. Scissorhands wears the name proudly. Sure he’s a Republican at a time that political label isn’t doing too well, but folks trust him and he’s regularly distancing himself from the Bush-Cheney cabal.

His Democratic challenger House Speaker Gaye Symington is out there somewhere, isn’t she?

And seeing Progressive candidate Anthony Pollina campaigning with a haircut in a pin-stripe suit is just too funny for words.

The Old “Inside Track” would suggest the wagering lines would be around whether or not Speaker Gaye breaks the 40 percent line in November....and whether Tony the Prog gets into double digits, as in over 10 percent.

P.S. At right "Dark Sky" by sister Maureen out in Santa Fe.


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student aid

This is very nice Image Look is very beautiful thnaks for shearing me. Sheridan is also calling the David Tua versus Friday "The Thirteenth" Ahunanya fight, but as Close Up found out, there is more to the man than his iconic voice.

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