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April 29, 2007
Off to a Start!
What a great kickoff for the 2007 Discover Jazz Festival! Eddie Palmieri has been a personal favorite for some years--if someone had bootlegged his cradle sounds, I'd have to have a copy--and his return to the Flynn mainstage is long overdue.
With the excellent Brian Lynch (trumpet) and Conrad Herwig (trombone) up front for over a decade, Palmieri has brought his ensemble to the forefront of contemporary Latin jazz. Wildly colorful and rhythmically alive, his concert and recording (check Palmas and Arete from the mid-1990s) high points are usually his keyboard solos. Free ranging and complex, often exhausting and bewildering, they are breathtaking extended flights of invention, a thrill for free jazz as well as mainstream audiences.
The DJF is a celebration, and this will be an energetic start to ten days of (mostly) jazz. The only trouble is, once the party's over the offerings become rather sparse for the rest of the long year. Headliners predominate, while many established national and local artists find it hard going: Where are the gigs? Where are the venues? Where's the audience?
But more on that later. I'm not out to poop the party before it starts. I'll be there on June 1 eager for the music. See y'all.
April 29, 2007 at 04:03 PM in Lou Kannenstine | Permalink
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Like you Lou, I'm always up for a road trip to see good Jazz. FIMAV in Victoriaville is a festival I've only been to twice, but I've enjoyed it enormously. I believe you used the word "incongruously" when describing it, and it is indeed a bit odd to find this sort of festival of uncategorizable music in such an out of the way place. I'd be expecting The Vision Festival in lower Manhattan, but I always find VICTO to be a bit of a surprise and expect I always will, when taking that final turn into town after driving that lightly traveled route.
I'm awaiting Mike Chamberlain's review of this years VICTO and perhaps when I see you at Discover Jazz this year, perhaps you'll have some stories for me from this year's edition too.
I remember seeing The Gerry Hemingway Quartet (with Ray Anderson) once in VICTO, (shortly after they appeared in Burlington?) and that reminds me how much I'm looking forward to seeing Ray Anderson with BassDrumBone here soon!
And speaking of magnificent trios- I'm really looking forward to the Derome/Tanguay/Bourassa trio too. Bourassa's been gaining some international attention of late, Tanguay seems more interesting every time I hear him, and if there were any justice, Derome would be widely known as The John Zorn of Quebec...or Zorn would be known as The Jean Derome of The Lower East Side ;-)
Posted by: David Beckett | May 21, 2007 3:54:21 PM
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