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May 08, 2007

Interplay 2007


Fans who tend to suffer from post-celebratory tristesse at the close of the Discover Jazz Festial have something new to look forward to.  New to Vermont, that is. 

For ten years saxophonist and pianist Fred Haas has been directing his jazz camp, Interplay Jazz, in New Hampshire or Massachusetts.  This year Interplay will be in Woodstock, Vermont from June 22 through June 29.  Planned is a week of events including classes, workshops, jazz films, jam sessions, and concerts.  In addition to a noteworthy faculty which includes among others Matt Wilson (drums), Bob Hallahan (piano), Eugene Friesen (cello and strings), and John Carlson (trumpet), distinguished vocalist Sheila Jordan will conduct vocal workshops and offer a concert on June 24.  Pianist Kenny Werner will follow his two workshops with a performance on June 28, and the full Interplay Faculty All-Stars will hold forth in a big way on the 29th with a Down By the River Concert.

I used to be able to tell folks that I lived in a virtually smoke-free jazz-free state.  Such events as Interplay and the annual Vermont Jazz Center's August camp and concerts make the claim, at least regarding jazz music, I'm happy to say, out-of-date.

Woodstock is about an hour and forty minutes at speed limit from Burlington.  It's a very nice town ( I live here, as it happens) to visit between the peak tourist seasons.  Good turnout and solid participation could make it a permanent home for Interplay.

May 8, 2007 at 04:15 PM in Lou Kannenstine | Permalink


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