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May 30, 2007

Lectures You'll Love


Bob Blumenthal is one of the great joys of The Burlington Jazz Festival. Here's a guy who's won two Grammys for his liner notes on Miles Davis box sets who is as down-to-earth as anyone you know, but get a good discussion going and he can go deep with the facts and the insights. Musicians, critics, DJs all show up for his interviews and discussions.

This year he'll be talking with the artists in the FlynnSpace at 5:30pm (for FREE!):
Eddie Palmieri - Fri June 1
Migel Zenon - Mon June 4
Montreal Double Bill - Tue June 5
BassDrumBone - Thu June 7

His Sunday listening session takes place in the Amy Terrant Gallery at the Flynn Center with the focus on Duke Ellington with the listening at 2pm and then a lecture/discussion following at 3pm. Not matter how much or how little you know about the Duke, be ready to come away with new insight.

May 30, 2007 at 06:39 PM in George Thomas | Permalink


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