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May 21, 2007



I just got an e-mail from Phil Sentner, maniacal jazz fan and sleepless consumer, from the depths of Lyndonville, VT.  Phil writes, "By the way, I heard the new Kenny Garrett disc last night and Pharoah sounds like the old Pharoah, not playing that New Age shit Laswell was producing."  This is good news to me--though I have to admit to liking some of the New Age shit Bill Laswell was responsible for--since I'm assuming Phil has in mind the excitement Pharoah Sanders generated when playing with such greats as Coltrane and guitarist Sonny Sharrock (Check out Sander's Tauhid and/or Sharrock's Ask the Ages.)

Since I hate to form false preconceptions, I try to avoid listening to an artist's new CD before the performance.  Sometimes the live music can be quite different than the studio product, or the artist may head out in a new direction on the moment.  George Thomas's report that the fusion of the new Chick Corea and Bela Fleck CD sounds more like classical music (rather than rock) with jazz really surprises me (and makes me think I may have to see the damn thing).  But one thing for sure is that you can never be sure what you'll hear, that there's always room for the unpredictable in jazz.  Unless, that is, you're at Lincoln Center.

By the way, does anyone know who the sidemen will be for this gig?

May 21, 2007 at 03:33 PM in Lou Kannenstine | Permalink


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Hi Lou !

Bela Fleck was named for Bela Bartok, and has a marvelous "legit" classical record out on Sony Classical. Chick Corea has played a lot of "classical" music too, no?

The June 8 performance (and the cd) are just
Chick Corea (Piano) and Bela Fleck (Banjo).

...and I still have never figured out what the word "fusion" means. When was any Jazz music not a fusion of various elements - right from Jelly Roll Morton's "spanish tinge" onward?

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


Posted by: David Beckett | May 21, 2007 4:13:32 PM

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