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June 09, 2007

On Bass/Drum/Bone Part Deux


I don't know where to start. Lou's review of this concert was so totally, like totally, right on dude. So like, I should like totally write something like soon before the bloom fades.

I probably should start with their interview with Bob Blumenthal. I saw no difference between the interview and the performance. Bob would ask a question for the group as a whole and one of them would reply as an individual after a safe pause and without looking at the others for the go ahead nod. I guess after thirty years, you can do that. I was only married for twenty-two, and we could complete each other's sentences. They described their relationship as 3 (five-year-old) kids playing the sandbox at a pre-school. I agree.

Everything that Lou wrote about Mark Helias, Gerry Hemingway, and especially Ray Anderson was right on. I can only surmise that Ray's lack of "parlor tricks" while playing is because all the tunes were very recent compositions and since he is only five years old, his attention span hadn't  collapsed yet.  In fact, the whole ensemble's playing was somewhat subdued compared to what they've done in the past. Then again, I am unable/or choose not to do things that I could do easily thirty years ago. Great, great concert.

Before finishing this posting, I would be remiss in not mentioning that the FlynnSpace is my favorite joint. I usually see all the BDJF concerts at this site and this year was no exception. Kudos to Harry Chaikin who takes care of the sound board and to Brian Johnson who is the house manager. The joint wouldn't be the same without their expertise and warped sense of humor. You need to have possession of those two things when you dealing with performing artists and wacko customers like myself.

June 9, 2007 at 05:23 PM in L.J. Palardy | Permalink


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