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June 01, 2007
Promoting BDJF
When I recently discussed the Lake George(NY) Jazz Festival, I hinted at a rant. This is it. I find it hard to understand why the BDJF doesn't start promoting itself until mid-April, after the "official" press conference. This pre-festival secrecy is akin to the WW II Manhattan project. I'm sure there is a logical explanation, but it's beyond my comprehension. I'm not big on "schmoozing", so I never attend and pick up my press packet on the day after. By the way, I am already aware of the line up (not the dates of concerts) by the time that the press conference takes place. It's a small
village we live in and there are no secrets, at least not for long.
We should be on every link that exists for any Internet search engine that starts with the word Vermont Summer Events) and we should update that link every time we have a signed contract with a performing artist even if that signing takes place during the winter. I would also include last year's schedule of artists and state the list of confirmed artist for this coming year's festival.
I have some past experience in the retail business and if it was up to me, I'd keep banging away
at that promotion until the festival starts.
Just a thought.
June 1, 2007 at 03:47 PM in L.J. Palardy | Permalink
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