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January 24, 2014

New England Center for Circus Arts Purchases New Land in Brattleboro

Circus! 7dBrattleboro will soon be home to the first custom-built circus-arts building in the United States. 

Thanks to a generous monetary gift, students of the New England Center for Circus Arts (NECCA) can look forward to a single space that contains specialized youth rooms, a performance space, a community meeting room, an in-ground trampoline and foam pit, and flying space. 

NECCA is internationally recognized and popular among circus artists of all ages and experience levels from around the world. The purchased property is located on Town Crier Drive, less than a mile north of downtown Brattleboro. 

Elsie Smith and Serenity Smith Forchion, founders of NECCA and identical twins, specialize in aerial acrobatics and are accomplished performers, choreographers and teachers of circus arts. In 2003, the sisters founded NIMBLE ARTS, a trapeze and circus school that transformed into NECCA in 2007. With this land purchase and the opportunity to build a new school, it will continue to evolve.

No construction schedule has been announced yet, but NECCA will offer outdoor flying-trapeze lessons at the new site beginning this summer. 

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