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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tidy Up

A friend just forwarded me this European IKEA commercial from their
"Tidy Up" series featuring a young boy playing with standard
children's toys, when mommy's "toy" accidentally finds its way into
the mix. The ad suggests that using IKEA's numerous organizing
furniture pieces will keep your "toys" away from your children's.

I feel bad for this little boy. As if buck-toothed school photos and
embarrassing childhood tales weren't enough — he'll be the former
child actor who played with a vibrator on television. And what are we
to do if this happens in real life? Have you ever had to
explain to Junior or Juniorette why Mommy's special penguin isn't a
plaything? If so, do tell.

In the meantime, enjoy:

More amusing "Tidy Up" ads:

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