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Monday, September 03, 2007

Corn Dogs, Best Cocks and Joan Jett

Joan Joan Jett is fucking hot. FUCKING HOT.

I saw her perform with the Blackhearts on Saturday night at the Champlain Valley Fair. And I caught one of her drummer's discarded drumsticks. I'm such a giddy fan! The highlight of the show was Jett's sexy rendition of one my personal favorites, "Fetish." I couldn't believe my good fortune — amongst all the corn dogs, livestock and mullets, one of the sexiest women alive sang these lyrics (so much for a wholesome good time at the fair):

Oh, look good in latex
Get off having rough sex
Surprise, round and round the bed
Restrained while I find your head

You are my Fetish

Gaze down, it's time to be my dog
I'll push, to get you in that fog

You are my Fetish

Pain turns to pleasure fast
Relax, while I pound your ass
Cool cat, cool cat, come on I'll give you some
Oh, yea, gonna, I'm gonna watch you come

You are my Fetish
You are my Fetish
You are my Fetish

I order you, you, you
You better m-m-mind
I order you, you, you
You better m-mind
I order you, you, you
You better m-m-mind
I order you, you, you
You better m-mind

Really? Did Joan Jett really sing about rough sex, latex and coming at the Champlain Valley Fair? Someone pinch me. Hard.

It's Labor Day — I'm going to go listen to "Crimson and Clover" and play with my drumstick. In the meantime, here's one of Jett's latest videos featuring Carmen Electra:

P.S. I also spent some quality time with the "Best Cock" at the Champlain Valley Fair. That thing was HUGE.

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