Take Note
Dear Mistress Maeve,
Last night I went for a beer with a young lady from my weekly singing class. She seems pretty cool, and she dropped some hints that she might like to hang out again. (She said she was "ready for a relationship" and that she was new to town and looking for friends.) The problem is, I only see her once a week, and I failed to get her phone number! I know where she works ('cause she told me, down to the street name), but I'd feel a little weird looking up the number, calling and being like, "Um, hi, this is the guy from singing class."
My thoughts on the matter are, on the one hand, I should just call her and see what happens — because, really, what have I got to lose? But on the other hand, if I call and it freaks her out, my impatience will ruin what might be a nice little thing if I can only wait a week and see her again.
The Soloist
Dear Soloist,
If you're looking to adapt your solo number into a duet, wait until your next class to ask her out. If you track her down like some desperate conductor without a chorus, not only do you run the risk of blowing your chances with her, but you could also make her feel uncomfortable in class — and that's unfair to her.
Let's put this into perspective: You had a great time with a charming chanteuse who hinted that she'd like to see you again. You hit a flat note by not getting her digits, but you have a chance to redeem yourself next week. Approach her after class and see if she'd like to grab another beer. If all goes well, ask her for her phone number so you can invite her for a proper date.
And, whatever you do, please don't mention "making beautiful music together" — leave the puns to the professionals.
Hitting a high note,