Tough Love
Dear Mistress Maeve,
I met a fantastic guy about a
year ago, and it was obvious we had romantic chemistry. After a couple months,
he expressed his hesitance about a relationship, and so we've continued as
friends. We spend absurd amounts of time together and have become beautiful,
supportive friends. However, the romantic air remains between us, and every
couple months I bring it up, asking "Is this more than a friendship?"
He always answers, "Maybe one day, but at this moment, I'm comfortable
with how things are."
A couple weeks ago, he
revealed that he'd been dating a couple other women. When I asked him why he
didn't tell me about it, he said he didn't think we could talk about such
matters. Indeed, I've been out on dates and haven't told him for the same
reason. I asked him to tell me whether anything was ever going to happen
between us, because if not, I would apply to grad school that much sooner. Then
he freaked — and kissed me. We were kissing, he was crying; it was overload.
The next day he said he had
taken off work to think about it, and as much as he wishes differently, he only
sees friendship between us. The worst part is, it's been two weeks since this
happened, and we've barely spoken. I need some honest feedback from someone
outside my social circle.
Friendly Matters
Dear Friendly,
If you're looking for honest
feedback, try this on for size: Your friendship is toxic — and you're both to
blame. It sounds like he has taken advantage of your romantic feelings for him,
soaking up all your doting support without truly returning your love.
Furthermore, he's being selfish. When you talked about going to grad school, he
"freaked" and wouldn't let you go, yet he will not give you what you
so deeply desire.
As for your part, you must
start putting yourself first and quit waiting for him to come around. One
thing's for sure — whether he cares for you romantically or not, he's not ready
to be with you. It's time to move on. Date, go to grad school. Do it now! Do
not let a dysfunctional relationship stop you from pursuing your dreams — you
will regret it.
Give your friendship some
breathing room and time to heal. If you're meant to be friends, you'll find
your way back to each other.
Just friends,