The only thing keeping Ghost Whisperer actress Jennifer Love Hewitt relevant these days is her vajazzled crotch. Yep, I said "vajazzled." She recently went on the George Lopez show — he has a late-night talk show on some cable channel — and discussed how she regularly bedazzles her va-jay-jay with Swarovski Crystals in a process called vajazzling.
Since Hewitt's cooter confession, vajazzling has become the latest spa craze. Check out this video of Bryce Gruber from The Luxury Spot getting vajazzled in New York City (via dlisted). While the video doesn't show all her goodies, it's probably not work appropriate. (Please note that the spa spokeswoman can't even say the word vagina.)
I think Vermonters should have their own vajazzling options — like cow-shaped stencils decorated with Danforth pewter or crystallized maple syrup.