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Friday, January 07, 2011

Back to Basics

Okay, I admit it: I'm totally buying into the whole "new year's resolution" thing. I'm hitting that imaginary reset button and pledging to choose the turkey burger over the cheeseburger, turning the computer off at midnight to ensure a good night's sleep, etc.

When you think about it, most resolutions are simple reminders to get back to basics: eat better, exercise more, be kinder to others -- things we want to do year round, anyhow. So, what about sex? Shouldn't we also be resolving to have the best sex ever in 2011?

If my theory about getting back to basics holds true, then it should be the same for having good sex -- no need for fancy tricks, just resolve to reinforce the basics. The folks at AlterNet have put together a bang-up list of 15 dos and don'ts for really good sex, everything from "do wash your hands" to "don't assume what worked on your previous partners will work on your next one." Solid advice.

Have a look at the list (AlterNet is safe for work viewing) and let me know what you think about the list. Have they left anything out?


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