Boa Constrictor Found at Burlington's Leddy Park

Wasn't expecting to see this in the pile of media releases in my inbox this morning: A report of a five-foot-long boa constrictor at Leddy Park. OMG.
Per the Burlington Police Department:
On August 5th, 2013 at approximately 1727 hours, Burlington Police responded to the area of Leddy Park for the report of an exotic snake. Upon arrival in the area, officers discovered a large domesticated snake, not native to Vermont, on the southeast corner of the parking area.
Animal experts from the Vermont Wildlife Refuge Center were contacted, and were able to respond to the scene and assist in the capture of the snake. The snake was reported to be in good health and will be cared for by the Refuge Center.
And a later update:
This large domesticated snake was identified as a boa constrictor, about five feet in length. It was reported to be in the parking area of Leddy Park and then moved into a wooded area ... The snake appeared to be in good health and was comfortable while being handled by the expert.
The Burlington Police Department is looking to speak with anyone who may have seen the snake at Leddy Park or provide information on the owner of the snake.
If you know something about this mother-effing snake that the cops should know, call Burlington Police at 802-658-2700. And then call Samuel L. Jackson, if you happen to have his number.
What is it with people and keeping exotic snakes, anyway? In Florida, officials allowed more than 1500 hunters to hunt non-native Burmese pythons. And two kids in New Brunswick were killed by a python that escaped from a pet store earlier this week. Eeeek.