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Omnivore Food Blog By Suzanne Podhaizer

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January 13, 2008

Gael Greene's Predictions For 2008

If you keep up on what's happening in the world of food, you're sure to love this list of funny predictions by the "Insatiable" Gael Greene, who served as New York Magazine's food critic for over 30 years, is known for wearing really big hats, and famously slept with Elvis and Clint Eastwood (not at the same time) as well as a cadre of celebrity chefs. She also co-founded Citymeals-On-Wheels, a service that delivers meals to the homebound elderly.

I discovered the list -- which is on the Insatiable Critic website -- while catching on up on my post-holiday reading.

Here are some of Ms. Greene's predictions for 2008:

"New York Dining Trends"

"Restaurants will staff roving dining “tutors” to stop by each table with a five minute “Tabletalk” on the provenance of each ingredient on the menu. Before ordering, you will be quizzed on the content."

"Conceptual Dining will become the rage.  The pleasure derived from the dish is found in its description alone.  The dish, in fact, does not exist.  A small fee will be charged." [I think this one might be my favorite].

"Small Plates will give way to no plates, a trend for even healthier portion control.  All food will be served on oak leaves, in clam shells or onto your outstretched palm."

"New Products"

"Boutique chocolate will be labeled with the production date and the chocolatier’s license and cell phone numbers. Chocolate tastings will be widely promoted, as well as the usual What to Drink with Chocolate selected by chocoholics."

You can find the rest of them here.


I was really happy to discover this list, in part because it made me laugh, but also because I recently wrote my own list of predictions for 2008. I suppose it's validating to learn that you've independently thought of doing something that a person at the tip-top of your profession has also thought of. Unless you're Missy Chase Lapine and your profession is sneaking spinach into kiddie food.

Here are my Vermont-y versions...I forwarded the current one to Ms. Greene this afternoon.

Eat, Drink and Be Wary: Second Edition (2008)
Eat, Drink and Be Wary (2007)


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