If You Can't Take The Heat, Get A "HotHolder!"
You may already have seen these in Patrick Mullikin's article called Kitchen Kitsch, but just in case you missed it, I wanted to call attention to these fun potholders by Vermont artist Sarah Green.
If you're tired of the standard options for keeping your hands burn free, you can head over to Etsy.com and put your mitts all over Oscar, Lars, Chad, Tommy or Steve.
Seeing this potholder inspired me to search for other fun kitchen items, specifically aprons with similarly fun patterns or with sexy style, but I didn't really find much that worked for me. What did I find? Aprons with naughty slogans (Master Baster, and so on), lots of French maid costumes and "naked aprons." Ick. I did find a fun company called Carolyn's Kitchen that sells cute, vintage inspired aprons, but they weren't exactly what I was looking for. Finally, I headed back to Etsy where I found just the thing: the Tijuana Mama apron. That's hot!
It makes me want to bust out my sewing machine.
indeed, the Tijuana Mama apron is cute... but it might be awkward if your apron is better looking than your dinner guests' carefully planned ensembles.
Posted by: blake | April 24, 2008 at 11:02 PM