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November 07, 2007
The Schedule
The schedule is out!
Below are the projected opening days for Vermont's ski areas for the 2007-2008 season. Killington, as is its custom, plans to be first. Stratton, Stowe, Smugglers' Notch, Sugarbush and Jay Peak will not be far behind. By mid-December, every lift-serviced ski area in the sate should be offering at least one ribbon of white.
Of course, early season opening plans are just that -- plans -- weather-dependent ones no less. But friends, so far this November, the weather is permitting. It's not exactly bending over backwards, but it's at least permitting some quality snowmaking. Mother Nature, we can say, is having a permissive autumn here in the Green Mountain State.
Nights have been cold. Days have been above freezing but cool. Natural snow has been ever elusive, but, to quote Red at the end of Shawshank Redemption: "I hope ... I hope ... I hope."
Anyway, on to the schedule:
Ascutney, Nov. 23
Bolton Valley, Dec. 7
Bromley, November
Burke, Dec. 8
Cochran's, Dec. 15
Jay Peak, Nov. 23
Killington, Nov. 16
Mad River Glen, Dec. 15
Magic Mountain, Dec. 15
Middlebury Snow Bowl, Dec. 8
Mount Snow, as soon as possible
Okemo, November
Pico, Dec. 15
Smugglers' Notch, Nov. 23
Stowe, Nov. 21
Stratton, Nov. 21
Sugarbush, Nov. 23
Suicide Six, Dec. 21
November 7, 2007 at 07:19 PM | Permalink
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