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February 11, 2008
Ski Space Dot Com
Woe is me. I spent the weekend in the Sunny South instead of thigh deep in Vermont powder. When storm forecasts started to take shape the middle of last week, my travel plans were far too solidified for 11th-hour reconsiderations. Plus, as I’m realizing more and more as I age and in theory mature, my plans affect the plans of the people I love. I’m just not as nimble a storm-chaser as I once was. So I lived vicariously through the snow totals, photos and videos coming out of the Green Mountains these past several days. Great job all around.
I finally saw the landscape for myself on Sunday from about 10,000 feet up flying into Burlington around Sunset time. It was a sight to behold, especially in the pink glow of 4:30 p.m. And it looks like there’s more on the way.
The off-snow weekend gave me time to stumble on a MySpace takeoff for skiers and riders called SkiSpace.com. Bode Miller is one of the backers. I suppose with the runaway popularity of social networking sites, we can expect similar sites to pop up for increasingly niched communities.
The website’s pitch:
SkiSpace takes the party to the next dimension. While other sites give you the news and views, the products and some simple chat room or forum features, SkiSpace lets you live the lifestyle larger by creating a community of people you can hook up and share the experience with. The SkiSpace platform enables you to define your own experience and stay connected anywhere. You can keep up with what’s going on in the ski world around the globe or create a regional network to connect with people in your area. With SkiSpace, the possibilities are endless!
Skiing lends itself to this type of networking because of the constancy of storm chasing and the need for ski town contacts. It’s always good to have friends where it’s snowing — even virtual friends you’ve never met.
This week it’s snowing in Vermont. Come one, come all.
February 11, 2008 at 11:04 AM | Permalink
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