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Friday, October 21, 2005

Friday wisdom.


Careful with those fingernails, Jeff.

I went to the Haunted Forest last night. Not scary at all, unless you count the mud. Those guys totally owe me some new Converse One Stars.

Here's the latest Hutz Report, courtesy our pal Sean Altrui.

Just got the new Guided by Voices boxed set, Suitcase II. I'm reviewing it for another rag, but with more than a hundred tunes, it'll proabably take a while to digest. It's signed by Bob Pollard!

My eagerly-awaited copy of the special 2-disc edition of David Cronenberg's The Fly came in as well. Overall, a fine day for mail.

The iPod I bought from Ethan is a little bit screwy. It freezes from time to time and locks up my brand new dual processor G5. How the hell can that be? I guess the pod is pretty ancient. Three years in the world of technology is an epoch.

I'm hoping to get a new model soon.

It's gonna be another working weekend. Although my word count in the next issue of 7D is already pretty high, I still have a Dresden Dolls piece to put together.  I've also got some mix work due, and I'm on deadline for a gear review. Haven't made it too far in the manual, either. Yikes.

All I really want to do is lay in bed and watch Jeff Goldblum's body parts fall off.


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did you try resetting the ipod, by holding down a combo of buttons? that solves all my freezing problems and doesnt usually erase all the music or settings.


I think he tried that, but found that bitching is far more effective... ;)


Who cares about the freezing -- it crashes my G5!

That's one tough little iPod.


I used to have a mix tape with 53 GBV tunes on it. It was 120 minute tape but GBV really lets you pack in the tunes.

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