VT on the (digital) dial.
Everyone's favorite Prince of Darkness, Magister Matt G. Paradise, a.k.a. Matty the Greek, has put together a Vermont-only music program on RadioFreeSatan, an internet-based broadcast channel. In Matt's own words:
"I have decided to put together a one-hour block of Vermont-only music (tentatively scheduled to air on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6a and 6p, starting this coming Monday (2/20).
Called "The Vermont Rock Show," this will be a entire hour of Vermont music, both past and present, without interruptions. I've loaded a bunch of material from (roughly) 1993-1997, but I need more. That's where some of you come in. Here's what I'm looking for (and NOT looking for)...
Keeping the general formats of the station in mind, I'm excluding the following genres: folk, reggae, hip hop, country, R & B, jazz, blues, and the bulk of non-rock genres.
What I'm particularly looking for includes punk, hardcore, metal, indie pop, ambient, experimental, goth, and any aggressive or upbeat bands. Any questions, e-mail me at [email protected] and I should be able to give you a yes or no on your band.
Also, if any of you who know me could lend me a console cassette deck with RCA outs (yes, pre-amped), I'm also looking into digitizing a whole lot of cassette-only releases from the 90s. Again, e-mail me if applicable.
Likewise, those familiar to me that have CDs of bands who fit the bill, also get ahold of me and perhaps you could lend them to me so I can digitize tracks. Thanks."
Matt, a onetime DJ at Johnson College and WRUV, is getting back to his roots with this project. He's also forcing me to get back to mine:
"Hoo, boy, are you in for a treat: Chronic Decay, Black Hairy Tongüe, 12 Times Over... and, yes, even that first Rocketsled tape is coming back to haunt your ass."
Thankfully, he'll be spinning some Contrarian stuff too.
Here's the official, spiffy site for the program.
I'll be tuning in. So should you.
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