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Hey, I think I coined a new music descriptor!
Check out tomorrow's Sound Bites column to see if you can spot it. Maybe there'll be a prize!
In other news, I chatted with the boys in Carrigan last night, in preparation for an upcoming feature. Their sophomore CD, Young Men Never Die, lands soon; the release party is on May 5 at Club Metronome.
So, we got to talkin' about this and that, and the subject of '80s retro bands came up.
It's my opinion that a lot of these new acts only emulate a tiny sliver of '80s music. Not coincidentally, it's often the the easiest stuff to bash out.
So what of all the other "Sounds of the '80s?" Lord knows Tears for Fears' "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" is synonomous with the decade. But nobody ever tries to crib that sound. You know why? Because it's too well composed and arranged!
And I'm hardly a TFF fan. I don't care for XTC, either. It's just an observation. Shit, most of these synth-rock come-latelys couldn't write something as hip as Thomas Dolby's "She Blinded Me With Science!"
Speaking of the '80s, Here's Culture Club's cover of David Bowie's "Starman."
Today's eBay ridiculousness is courtesy of MusicThing.
I missed the last Greg Davis Firehouse show last night - for shame!
My excuse: I was catching up on a bit of work. Which somehow devolved into a long discussion with Brooke about Chuck Eddy's Village Voice dismissal. And blog meritocracy. And Ted Kennedy.
Oh, I almost forgot! Here's yer tune: Klaatu — "Calling All Occupants of Interplanetary Craft"
Music seems so silly sometimes. The world is crumbling before our very eyes, and I'm supposed to go weak in the knees over a band?
Guess it's one of those days.
I've decided to start posting MP3s here. that's what real bloggers do, right?
Here's one:
Uriah Heep - "Return to Fantasy"
Dragons, carnival organs and tremulous vocals. Can't beat it.
A couple of posts ago, I mentioned history's longest running avant-metal/punk band, The Melvins.
Not long after, a publicist for Ipecac Records wrote me about a "very special release" from Buzzo & co.
Seems that instead of giving their bitchin' 1993 disc, Houdini, the standard reissue treatment, the band has instead decided to put out a live version recorded last year. It's called A History of Gluttony & Lust.
Here's a taste: "Hooch"
As fans are aware, the band (traditionally a trio) has a hard time holding on to bassists. The latest casualty is Kevin Rutmanis (ex-Cows) who is replaced on this recording by John Zorn acolyte Trevor Dunn.
Anyway, I love Houdini. I listened to it thousands of times in those strange years before I went legit. It occupies a special place in my heart to this day.
One of the perks of having done fair amount of national freelance reviewing is that I'm on a lot of promo lists. Companies send me their stuff (mostly of the left-of-center variety) all the time, with little more than a promise to give it a spin.
So I have been rediscovering the magic of Houdini (PUN!) and remembering the days when rock music still seemed to have a few unexplored corners.
But wait — there's more: Going against fundamental universal law, The Melvins recently expanded to a quartet.
Here's some info:
In early 2006, Dale Crover confirmed rumors of the members of Big Business joining the Melvins. Commenting on adding another drummer, Crover said this about Coady Willis: "He's left handed, so we want to do this 'mirror image' type of thing. We've kind of fused our two drum sets together, and we're going to try and do some crazy thing with it. We're sharing these big toms in between us."
Far out!
Comes smack dab in the middle of "Sinful Love" by Blue Öyster Cult. It's on the deliciously ridiculous Agents of Fortune album.
Just thought you'd like to know.
PS: Did you check those lyrics?
VT blog titan and super pro filmmaker Bill Simmon came over to the house this weekend to interview me for a not-so-secret documentary he's making. He set up all of his bright lights in my studio, and proceeded to ask me questions about stuff I've barely thought about in a decade.
But it was definitely fun. And after, Brooke and I went to dinner with Bill and his fiance, Emily. Delicious.
Oh, and extra points to Bill for using the word "mollycoddling" in today's Candleblog post.
Here's a fun NY Times article about the "lameness" of MySpace. As if we weren't already aware. Aware, but still addicted!
In other social networking news... Don't go here, if you have a low tolerance for morbidity.
The next month will be a busy one for me. Lots of writing, and finishing up the Swale mix. Things can move pretty slowly between myself and those folks. I'm sure we'll all be relieved when it's over.
Setting up the new apartment has been fun, if a tad exhausting. But it sure is nice to have a decent recording room again.
I'm heading to San Francisco for a week at the end of June. Looking forward to that. But getting away (even for the weekend) always means extra work, which I'm NOT looking forward to.
You know how there are some bands that you've pretty much outgrown that still excite you from time to time?
Well, Tool is, for me, one of those bands. I downloaded the (leaked) single from their upcoming album, 10,000 Days, and have been listening to it over and over.
It's good -- very much a Tool track. As usual, the intro features an interlocking bass/guitar figure that reminded me of swimming sharks.
Then there's the expected giant start/stop riffs and freakishly articulate drumming. And of course, Maynard sings cryptically about humanity's eventual (and deserved) downfall. This goes on for, oh, about seven minutes.
The dudes pretty much write the same song over and over again. But at least it's a cool song.
There's yer frickin' update, kids.
Flatlander of VT blog False 45th posted a live review of Neil Cleary's recent Montpelier performance.
Check out the picture of Herb rockin' a T. Rex shirt.
Hot stuff.
Hey, were any of you aware that Rex leader Marc Bolan published a book of poetry? It's called The Warlock of Love. I shit you not. Here's an excerpt:
We hide behind the masks of the Orient,
Because the sullen lumbering shapes of
The western world strike fear and terror
Into our limbs, and all is ungrown.
Legends we long for and legends there
Are in the east of our heads.
So perchance Gods dwell unseen in the
East of the world.
Man, that rivals Morrison for drugged out, quasi-mystical gobbledegook.
I want a copy!
Check it out!
Somebody please tell the band Soft Spot.
(Thanks to gd for turning me on to the blog from whence the link comes.)
OK. I was bound to screw this up one of these days...
The spotlight in the paper for RECON at the FlynnSpace is incorrectly listed as Saturday, April 15.
It's actually on Friday.
This is the first time I've ever messed that kind of thing up, so go easy! I guess I've been distracted; moving into a new apartment, and hustling deadlines like a madman. I know, excuses, excuses.
Anyway, apologies to Tom Lawson.
Speaking of Tom...
There's been a lot of talk about the (temporary) reformation of the Pants. The original lineup of Tad Cautious, Tommy Law, Pistol Stamen and Hutch is hard to beat.
But does anyone remember the later incarntation with Paul whashisface on drums, Dan Mazur on keyboards and Jeff Lawson on bass?
I seem to recall them experimenting with some heavy sludge-rock ala Melvins at that point.
Drop-tuned guitars were all the rage back then. The Pants were not exempt.
In the quest for the ultimate, bowel-rupturing tones, my old band tuned down to B. That's frickin' low, guy.
I liked some of those Pants tunes, though. Didn't they record a little demo with Trey that featured some of that material?
Anyway, I'd like to hear it again.
Let me know if I'm remembering things correctly.
Just got back from the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival press conference. The lineup is pretty decent.
Half the meeting was spent naming sponsors, though. But it has to be done, otherwise no music.
Etta James was booked, but had to cancel due to illness.
Here's the heavy-hitters:
All shows Flynn MainStage, unless noted.
Ahmad Jamal with VT All State Jazz Ensemble. Friday, June 2.
Diane Reeves with the Joe Davidian Trio. Saturday, June 4.
The return of Kilmanjaro (Paul Asbell, Chas Eller, et. al) City Hall Auditorium Wednesday, June 7.
Maceo Parker (waterfront blues tent)
World Sax Quartet plays Hendrix. Also on bill: Vernon Reid & Masque Friday, June 9.
Spanish Harlem Orchestra. Saturday, June 10.
As usual, there's some feisty shows in the FlynnSpace and other venues around town, as well as free Church Street performances.
Jazz it up, yo.
Neil's right foot, stolen from his website.
Flatlander at False 45th posted about Neil Cleary's upcoming show at the Langdon St. Cafe.
A good read. And he got the name of the "band" right. ;)
Having spoken with an even-tempered and considerate representative of a certain local artist, I've decided to give said artist a break and remove a post containing an e-mail he sent me.
This is the first time I've ever done such a thing. But it was my choice, and I consider the case closed.
Onward and upward.
Sooooo frickin' busy.
In addition to playing catch-up on work-related stuff, I'm moving this weekend. Don't get too excited — it's just down the street. I know you always hoped that I would end this reign, but it's my destiny to be the King of Pain!
Here is a show with all the pals. Dunno if I'll be there, though. Lotta stuff to pack. And write.
Oh, and Tell no One (formerly Akrasia) are opening for ye olde Pants. Tell, er, someone.
PS: With the exception of warm weather, lovely flora and Tennessee Williams, the South kinda sucks.
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