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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Slate clean.

Having spoken with an even-tempered and considerate representative of a certain local artist, I've decided to give said artist a break and remove a post containing an e-mail he sent me.

This is the first time I've ever done such a thing. But it was my choice, and I consider the case closed.

Onward and upward.


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Oh, man. And I had just linked to it.


Yeah, there's that inevitable chain-reaction in the inter-web.

Sorry. I just felt like being fair.


I'm really upset that you did that. Someone who claims everyone must hear him ought not be ashamed of his verbal diarrhea.
Also, the someone in question needs a few lessons in grammar and spelling.


I agree.

But I feel no further need to demonize the dude.

Let him run it up the flagpole and see who salutes it.

I have better things to do.

The only reason i posted originally was to illustrate the kind of shit that happens to me in the course of a day. To quote Degrassi Junior High's finest, Zit Remedy, "Everybody wants something, they'll never give up."

Neil Cleary

Maybe instead you can print the email I sent you where I try to make a perhaps-too-sly Talking Heads reference and you take it as the actual name of my band.

Don't worry, I think it's exceedingly funny. For the record, I meant to imply that the name of the band for listing purposes is "Neil Cleary". But I think I'm going run with this and rename myself The Name Of This Person Is Neil Cleary.


Yeah, I GET the Talking Heads reference, dork-o.

I thought you had chosen a cheekily self-referential moniker. It wouldn't be the first time a band has done that.

Sheesh, everybody's a critic.

I know I am.

Anyway, that's what the band shall be called henceforth.

At least in MY mind.

Shawn Flanigan

You know you're gonna have to repost it anyhow so everyone who doesn't read your blog every day can know what the hell you're talking about...for the record, I thought it was a great name...


There are people who don't read my blog every day?


You know, I read your blog every day and I missed it... Leda, you'll have to fill me in. I feel so out of the loop.


Hah, Casey! You'll never be able to clean this slate as long as my big mouth is around!

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