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Monday, August 21, 2006

Nobody tells me anything.


I was at City Market this morning when I saw a nice poster for all-ages venue 242 Main. It was partially covered up by an ad for "transcendental wellness and past-life regression."

Gingerly moving the New Age thingie, I discovered that my favorite avant-metal band, Kayo Dot, is coming to town on September 1.

I'm not in the habit of checking the 242 website, because there have been long spells with no updates. And, with so many venues to list each week, I rely on the club owners, promoters, and lastly the bands to get me the info.

Also on the bill are Carrigan, Tell No One and Junius, who didn't alert me either. Should we all just surrender to MySpace? No way. I don't have the time to trawl through every band in my "friends" list to see who's playing where. Nor can I look at every single "event invitation" that comes down the pike.

Nevertheless, I'm psyched to see Kayo Dot again. I may even give the show some editorial love.

Maybe they just don't want me to list the shows. That way it's more underground. Well, tough luck — you're getting some free friggin' publicity, kids.


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