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Sunday, August 20, 2006

New Musicks, Old Ear.

This is a repost from somewhere else. Because I'm lazy.

I've been working on some new music with my friend Mark G.Cooley. It's a long-distance, file trading project. It sounds great so far. Lots of possibilities.

Mark is an incredible guitarist in the Kottke tradition and also has a keen understanding of the avant-garde and noise worlds. One piece I've begun working on sounds a bit like Ry Cooder and Robert Fripp being disembowled by Lord Kalki. Suffice to say, it's pretty fucking catchy. A real West-East showdown.

I've also started messing around on a classical guitar-oriented piece, over which I shall add some electric skitters, my ghosty vocal harmonies and the odd soundwash.

We haven't figured out what to call ourselves yet, though. I want to keep branding myself as "The Contrarian," but this project deserves its own moniker, particularly since Mark is such a huge part of it.

Anyway, the collaboration is a saving grace for this old dog.

The only bad news is that I'm deaf in my left ear again.


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Title: "Robert Fripp meets Brian Eno in David Bowie's sexy mirrored coke room."



Hellllzzz yeah!

That's the next record.


ill let you use the band name Deviated Rectum if you want it......


Hey, wow. That's pretty, um... Hot?

How was the Green Door show? Me and my bum ear stayed in. But we did see Snakes On a Plane, which was every it as bad as you'd expect, just not in a fun way,


I can't wait to hear this new batch!

However, I can wait to see mutha fuckin' Snakes on the mutha fuckin' plane!


SOaP wasn't so fun, let me tell you. Let me know what you think if you indeed decide to see it.


SoaP. haha!

the green door show was nice, last minute thing. matthew played a beautiful short set. he had his own super8 film accompanying him. i played a short set as well. one of the first solo sets in many years that didnt involve a laptop. just my 4 track, some pedals and some instruments. and 2 guitar amps. yeah rock.....

there'll be another show at green door on sept. 3rd.
christina carter, max ochs, and sean david mcmillen. should be a good one.


Christina Carter at a local art studio is quite a coup. Thank goodness you moved here, man!

Speaking of CC, I reviewed the new Charalambides here.

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