It's Monday.
I'm violating a cardinal rule of blogging: Don't Post Unless You Have Something to Say.
Anyway, I spent the weekend in a semi-laid up state, due to a weird lower back spazz. It's still kind of messed up. Not sure why — I missed a few days at the gym, and the body is having its revenge. I'm walking like a 70 year-old looking for the public restroom.
The Trachtenburg Family is tonight at HG, but standing up for any length of time will likely be painful.
Thanks to everyone who gave their opinion about my podcast! The next one will be that much better for it. Speaking of, I already have the theme and most of the tunes picked out. I'm gonna keep mum for now, though. And that's hard for a guy like me.
What else? Sue & Nick of Video Pigeon are blogging from their new Berlin (not New Hampshire) digs. Lucky bastards. I think...