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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

New things.

Took a brief break from posting to deal with some life stuff, all of it potentially good. Firstly, we're getting very close to choosing a replacement for yours truly (if such a thing is even possible, right?)

Secondly, Brooke and I are heading down to our nation's capital next Thursday to look for apartments and *stuff.* We'd previously planned to head out West, but DC was always a possibility. Anyway, I may have just been made an offer I can't refuse. No, it's not CIA. But that's about all I can tell you right now.

Let's get you fixed up with some reading material courtesy the wide world of alternative-newsweeklies:

You can't do windmills with a laptop. (Dallas Observer).

UMaine says "F-U" to RIAA. (Portland Phoenix).

Modern r&b chicks = no shame listening.  Sort of(City Paper).

Raccoon eyes does not a feisty "punk" chick make. (St. Louis Riverfront Times).

Some of you may be wondering what is going to happen to your beloved SolidState. Rest assured that Seven Days will still have a  music blog, presumably overseen by the new hire. I have been busy constructing a brand new blog (with all of the old posts and comments intact)  called The Contrarian. URL to be revealed soon.

Still, I'm planning on haunting the 7D music blog, most likely through annoying comments. I highly encourage you to do the same. Minus the annoying, of course.


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Congrats Casey! I've always loved the D.C. area; best of luck to you & Brooke!


Exorcist stairs! Exorcist stairs!


"DC... The chocolate city with the marshmallow core... and a gram cracker crust of corruption, basically it's a mallomar"

-Colbert during his United press corps routine.


Yeah! I'll keep my proverbial fingers crossed for yall!


hi there, this is an odd post!

this is aaron from nethers, a band formed in dc. we have made an exodus, though to brooklyn, oakland, etc, but we like to get together and record and tour! we need vermont show help on 5/27-5/29!

about us: we are going on tour w/ Broken West (Merge) and the Comas and have those days off. we toured last year w/ Dungen and your VT boys Witch; also have played w/ Walkmen, the Decemberists, and the National.

our record is out on Box Theory - it's run by the our pal Laris, who used to put out Arthur Mag. u can hear our record here:

we can rock basements, living rooms, regular spots, etc!

any help or direction would be greatly appreciated! thanks!


Aaron, try contacting Higher Ground--it's the premiere music venue in the Burlington area, and based on the bands you have toured with, I'd say it's the perfect place for you to play locally.

The website is


And also Tick Tick, a local production company who throw cool shows at venues all over town:

the le duo

also greg davis' burlington sounds project

although thats usually experimental/other types of music...


Our hotel sits directly across the Potomac from the Excorcist stairs. We'll have to ask for a room with a view.

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