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Monday, May 21, 2007

Final post.

Well, this is it  — my final SolidState post.

After some discussion, we here at 7D have decided that the blog will stay much the same in terms of look and pre-existing content. So when you need to remember how yours truly felt when his cat died of leukemia, you can. Feel like re-living the feisty back-and-forth between myself, the local blog community and a particularly mean-spirited commentator? You can do that, too.

Rumor has it the new Music Editor, Dan Bolles, will be inviting at least a couple of posters to the party; can't wait to see how that all pans out.

But what of me? Well, I do believe it's time to unveil my new blog: The Contrarian. Bookmark me now, please. This site will better reflect some of my non-musical interests, although there will still be plenty of audio talk. You can also look forward to the continuation of my podcast, "The Contrarian's Corner," as well as an ongoing account on my first out-of-state move in 15 years. That should be a good time. So swing by and say hi, k?

What else do I have to say before I sign off? Nada. See you at TEOTWAWKI.


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CASEY I miss you already. I'm happy for you guys and blah blah whatever. It still sucks.

the le duo

well son of a gun! good luck and have fun and keep checking vt blogs! (especially me & tanner)


Good luck with everything, Casey! I'll definitely keep an eye on your new blog.


I almost toasted Natasha and Loki at your wedding. But then I thought it would just be too sad and possibly inappropriate. We'll have to pour some malt liquor on the curb for them before you go.

Bill Simmon

Sorry to see you go. but happy that it's sure to be a good move for you. I'll be keeping tabs on you at your new blog digs. Linking to you now.


Talk to you soon.


Mr. Rae...i hope your next blog is more SEXY! I mean, it up a little bit.

Love you and yr evil gaze, have fun in DC!


Yeah! Here's to major life changes!


Hey Casey, good luck!

Lisa Crean

The Contrarian? Not The Conformist, or The Cog in the Machine? ;-)

Fearing a decided drop in B'town's snark quotient, and missing Casey's Music Categories already...

Lisa Crean

The Contrarian? Not The Conformist, or The Cog in the Machine? ;-)

Fearing a decided drop in B'town's snark quotient, and missing Casey's Music Categories already...


I'll buy you a bourbon on the rocks on December 21st, 2012. Then we'll go golfing.

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