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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

(South) American Psycho

Greetings, music fans!

Sort of in tandem with Bridget's last post, this video was sent to me today by a few co-workers. It pretty much covers all of my big guilty pleasures: gorillas, sickeningly sweet, mass-produced chocolate delicacies and Phil Collins. I imagine a few of you have probably seen it before. But it does provide a new fodder for the age-old debate: Do you like Phil Collins? Enjoy.

And yes, I know that gorillas are primarily found in Africa, not South America. But work with me here, OK?



I am actually not a Phil Collins fan, except for this one song.

But apparently I'm enough of a fan of this one song that even after hearing it about, oh, roughly twenty times today, from various computers around the office, I can actually still say I'm a fan. You done good, Phil.

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