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Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Monkey Mail!


It's no secret I'm a big fan of Winooski's Monkey House. Good people, good music, and conveniently located on the same roundabout as a slew of dive bars, which keeps my favored hangout creep-free.

"Of course no creepy men are going to bother you when you sit around eating sauerkraut all night!" Tyson the bartender tells me.

Oh yeah, did I mention the amazing Sneakers sandwiches?

Anyway, Monkey+Me=LOVE. Which is why I really really love their new e-newsletter, designed to keep all us Monkey-dwellers in the loop as to who's playing on which night.

The Monkey House Mailer is yet another project of enterprising local musician and booking-guy, Paddy Reagan. It's pretty simplistic - no fancy html here - but thorough, with links to everyone scheduled to play, as well as commentary on what Paddy is personally excited about.

Want to sign up? Send an email to monkeybarmusic at gmail dot com with "subscribe" in the subject.

Yeah, that should do the trick.

And while you're at it, you can also bookmark the Monkey's blog which can be found here. The rest of the staff seemed to jump on board with a New Year's Resolution to keep the blog updated, but like many New Year's Resolutions, it seems to have been abandoned. As someone who enjoyed those few posts, I'm hoping this will serve as the kick in the pants needed to bring them back.

Now get out of here and go vote!


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