Poehler vs. Palin
Happy Monday, Solid State! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine included a quick trip to Maine to visit my very preg-o sister and I think I have a new favorite Maine restaurant. If you're ever in the Old Port, go to Duck Fat, and try the Thai Chicken panini. Mmmm. Love.
Also this past weekend was the much anticipated appearance of VP Candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live. And not Tina Fey's Sarah Palin, but the true, rifle-bearing pageant queen herself. I missed the actual show, but watched the videos online with a nervous anticipation that I'm sure most Obama-supporters felt. I mean, what if she totally nailed it?
Luckily, Amy Poehler was the one who nailed it. Even in her 9 1/2 months pregnant state, she completely stole the show from Palin when she stood up during Weekend Update to do an Alaskan-style rap. And so, without further ado, I bring you Poehler filling in for Palin. Enjoy.