Pure Pop Matters
Hey, Solid State.
Burlington's beloved indie record haven, Pure Pop, has recently relaunched their website as a multi-contributor blog. The new site features news and commentary about music and the biz from your favorite record store clerks and a few non-staffers as well. The roster currently boasts some of B-town's more notable expert-types, including Aether Everywhere's Tanner McCuin, Herb "The Vanderpolls" Van der Poll and Adam "Nobody Fucks With The Jesus (Vanacho)" King, among others. The revamped site has only been up for about a month, so content is understandably sparse at the moment. But what is there makes for a pretty good read, especially on a dreary day like this one. McCuin's bit about this weekend's AE/Kranky Records showcase at The Bakery is particularly informative.
Check it out here.