A Mighty Wind
Yo yo, Solid State.
I've been meaning to get to this post for a while. But as 7D is ramping up for a double production cycle this week — meaning, publishing two papers in one week — I've been a little backed up in the blog department. My apologies.
Anyway, this press release came in too late for me to do anything with it in last week's paper. But it looks to be a pretty fantastic show, especially for a Wednesday night — honestly, based on my experience at the Monkey on Saturday, which you can read about in the paper tomorrow, Rough Francis alone is worth the price of admission. It is also one of those rare press releases that is actually kind of fun to read and doesn't really require much in the spin department from me. So here it is in its entirety.
(Note: I'm sure your probably thinking to yourself, "Gee, Dan. Reprinting a press release? Isn't that a total cop-out/lazy blogging?" To which I humbly reply, "And how!")
Tick Tick Presents:
White Wind...A Happening...
Wednesday, December 10
At Club Metronome
Doors at 8pm
$6 21+, $10 18+
The Fatal Flaws: 9pm
James Kochalka Superstar: 9:30
The Persian Claws: 10:00
The Vacant Lots: 10:30
Rough Francis: 11:00
Nosebleed Island: 11:30
White Wind...A Happening . . .
White Wind is not a band, White Wind is six bands, White Wind is YOU, White Wind is US, White Wind is intended to be an exploration in sight, sound and experience. We are challenging our Idea of what a show is, expanding the format of how a show is presented and removing the barrier between artist and YOU/US. Our hopes are to create an environment where you can move seamlessly between each sound, like the wind. As your attention turns from band to band throughout the space, you will be literally surrounded and engulfed by a tornado of sight and sound. This will be an unprecedented event (for us, anyway), combining the best of Burlington's high energy sounds with a fresh and psychedelic set-up.
The Fatal Flaws:
Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk! Foofarawk!
Burlington's no-fi, gritty, no frills, in your face, garage rock project of husband-and-wife duo Chris Beneke and Sasha Rodriguez, that will make you rip your soul out and STOMP, STOMP, STOMP!!
James Kochalka Superstar:
No intro needed, but just in case!
James Kochalka has achieved an international cult following for his idiosyncratic comics and graphic novels as well has for his quirky music. His comics have been translated and published in 8 languages around the globe. He invented the daily diary comic strip (see AmericanElf.com) which has spawned literally dozens of imitators. A small-town rock star, Kochalka performs almost exclusively in his home base of Burlington, VT, yet his music has still managed to make a name for itself with fans around the globe. The three albums that Rykodisc raided songs from to put together the greatest hits collection (Our Most Beloved) all charted on CMJ's top 200.
Although not on Ryko anymore they still rock the socks (or pants) off of Burlington, VT whenever they grace the stage.
The Vacant Lots:
They had lived by night after the Flood after the Wilderness . . . before they learned to weep . . . a rhythm generates coagulating into prose. hands abused by work. Minds abused by Time. Deep memories are cast from the terrible shore. Less black the dark of night than the eyes of Fate . . . the hour of my sad twilight has come. The immense weight of time . . . situated on the screen. Close-up. Black & white. Fades . . . exiled from love. The scale of things. The existence of Death was a primary source of religion. Internal equilibrium. Dead upon the seashore. Thrown into existence. The meaning of the word. Genealogy to be created & recreated endlessly. Reinvented if necessary. Salvation an end in which there was no means save Art. Man awaits daily pardon. Man's eternal dwelling place lies in his deceit. The oracle has come in endless streams of vomit . . . filled w/a sensation of grief & Boredom . . .far removed & distant like a planet detached & disillusioned like the night unable to discern the melancholy which penetrates the heart. The Spirit moved . . .endless cattle w/faces worn. The need for survival. Death instinct. The senses dull useless. The herd needs somebody to follow. Remember we bathed ourselves (in moonlight) remember we closed our eyes (at dawn). Seamless curtains torn & laced in moonlight at dawn. We end up sleeping next to bodies we will never really know. Despite the nights alone & the days on fire (no more tomorrows) the end of superstitions . . . Uncertainty is just a way of being inefficient. What if Edgar Poe wrote a rock n roll song? Aeolian procession in midnight flight a feeling you can hear. There is always something new in your development towards an undetermined end. I want to reenter life. Out of the tomb & into the womb. (or is it the other way around?) 8 times the vowel O appears. Listen . . . we have arrested our senses. We have enslaved our attention. Will we never find ourselves again? We must re-assume our dreams in the infinite Alchemical night where life is no longer continually lacerated. Extend the voice. Liberation is the key. The hour has come. The broken universe has draped over us the new dawn. No longer a tomb for a bed. Extend the voice. It's time to reevaluate our values. Hear the voices that language forsakes. There may be no other passage thru time . . .
The Persian Claws:
Bill Mullins is at it again!
Nose Bleed Island:
Joe Agresta was born 8/12/1981 in New Jersey. Then, twenty four years later, under the guise of Mr. Island met Dracula at a garage sale. The two spent the night drinking wine, listening to soul records and conspiring against systems of capitalism. The next day they built a robot, moved to Pittsburgh, PA, and started recording Silly Sad Circuit's Dead Baby in a Jar, their first album together. Both Dracula and Mr. Island thought it was a failure. At the completion of the album, Dracula left the band to become an alchemist. After Dracula's departure, Mr. Island and Robot set to work on writing and recording songs documenting the formation of the band. During this time Mr. Island started looking for other (non-robotic) friends to join the band, finally inducting Miss Marbles and 11 year-old Zbear. One night while the gang was finishing up the second album, MORE TALES From the Blood Island, Dracula showed up with lots of beer everyone got drunk (except Zbear cause he's only 11). During a video shoot robot was hit by a car; destroying his cardboard body. Three days later Mr. Island found a real robot in the trash. A brain transplant was performed. Three months later, Mr. Island, who had recently changed his name to Joey Pizza Slice after marrying a slice of pizza in a dream, was also run over, this time by a pickup truck with no driver. The band is currently recording their next LP, Opposite Hitler Mustache, to be released as a limited run of 50 plastic records.
Rough Francis:
Who is this mysterious band? What do they want? Rumour has it they are the sons of Death . . . with a little My First Days on Junk thrown in the low end. Find out what the riots have been about and shake your fists at the man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!