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Monday, October 26, 2009

Bird Droppings

I was kinda laid up this weekend, fighting off the dying remains of a head and chest cold that sidelined me earlier in the week. Whilst spending Saturday night on the couch in my pajamas, hot toddy and dog by my side, I happened to catch some of Andrew Bird performing on PBS' Austin City Limits. In a word, whoa.

Now, I don't know that I really buy into "the healing power of song" or other similarly new age-y remedies. Give me a bottle of NyQuil any day. That said, Bird's TV performance got me really excited for his show at Higher Ground tonight — and in particular for opening act St. Vincent, who also appeared on the broadcast — and may just have served as the lift I needed to put that bit of nastiness behind me. I awoke Sunday feeling better than I had in days. Of course, that also may have had something to do with aforementioned hot toddies and NyQuil. Whatever.

Anyway, here's a recent clip of Bird performing with St. Vincent. Hope it whets your, um, whistle.


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