Harry Potter [37]
At midnight on Friday, July 20th 2007, the last installment of the Harry Potter series was released in bookstores across America.
At The Flying Pig Bookstore in Shelburne VT, owners Elizabeth Bluemle and Josie Leavitt have been celebrating Harry Potter book releases for years.
The costumed crowd numbered in the hundreds and the air was thick with excitement.
Anxious house elves, thunder-bolted wizards, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, high-hatted witches and even a Hagrid waited for midnight to roll around so they could read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Why do people love Harry Potter so much and what will the final book tell us? Watch and see...
Did you pretend to be Rita Skeeter?
Posted by: Molly | July 24, 2007 at 04:23 PM
i just discovered your blog and videos. Great job!
You should do something about the new england youth thearte or events in brattleboro. its a great town. its a bit far from burlington though
Posted by: | July 25, 2007 at 06:02 PM
eva, thank you so much for this video! it makes me so happy! I wasn't able to be there. i loved how the kids hugged their books and yelled for joy. i felt that way inside too (true confession: i smelled and kissed mine!). maybe it's crazy, but i don't care -- if it gets people to read and to connect!
Posted by: Q of Gryffindor | July 25, 2007 at 11:08 PM
Boy, they must be bumming now after reading the gloomy thing.
Have you finished? Go to livejournal's spoil_me_dh where we've all been yakking about it.
Oh, BTW, in spite of The Ramble (planning to misbehave and poke my nose in anyway) I'm participating in the blogathon with my LJ, claudiamercy.
My charity is the Human Kindness Foundation. Steer people on over and let em read the weirdness.
R O-C fr. "Postmortem Espresso".
Posted by: Rael OneCloud | July 26, 2007 at 08:58 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!! Great job, Eva!! I, has a former camper of you say you are the best!!!!!
Posted by: Former Student | July 27, 2007 at 06:51 PM
WOW!!!!!!!!! Great job, Eva!! I, has a former camper of you say you are the best!!!!!
Posted by: Former Student | July 27, 2007 at 06:51 PM
Needs more shots of Christopher as Hagrid!
Posted by: lani | July 31, 2007 at 03:07 PM
Thanks guys!
Molly - how the hell did you know? I had this whole plan to speak in a British accent and pretend to be Rita but the event was so mad that I got distracted from said plan. Ah well, they probably woulda ran Rita Skeeter outta town anyway!
Anon in Brattleboro - thanks for the heads up! I am trying to cover towns outside of Burlington more...
Q of Gryffindor - I am so glad you love your book so much. that event blew me away because people were so openly over the moon about their Harry Potter love! I adore it when people are open about their obsessions - makes me glad.
Rael - sorry i missed you at the Ramble. There was too much going on to catch everything! I have not even finished Potter #6 yet - I am taking my time before I get to the gloom and doom - some of which has already been spoilt thanks to a kindly YouTuber who left all the book's spoilers in a video comment! No fair!
Jordanna - THANK YOU! I miss having you around all the time! I think there is a career for you as a journalist if you are interested!! Give me a holler if you ever want to come out on a shoot with me!
Lani - Agreed. I was worried the vlog might become Christopher-Centric if I was not careful but he was the best Hagrid in the bunch - especially cause the rest of them were about 4 feet tall. ;)
Posted by: Eva | August 06, 2007 at 05:22 PM