Lake Elmore Polar Plunge [162]
1/30/10: The 2nd Annual Lake Elmore Polar Plunge inspired about 75 gutsy participants to LEAP into the frigid lake. Teams raised almost $13,000 which will be split between the Morrisville Rotary Club who organize the event and the new Lamoille County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity who hope to build a home for a local family in need.
Well how about it Seven Days staff, want to plunge with me next year?
What a huge success! Seven Days & Eva- thanks for such wonderful coverage of this event!
Posted by: Katie Orost | February 03, 2010 at 10:40 AM
Uh, yeah. About that whole "Seven Days" "staff" "plunging" thing... Yeah, well, it's just that I have this aversion to dying, and especially dying underwater, and dying frozen underwater. So maybe we could do a bowl-a-thon instead to raise $? I know, I know. Totally wimpy.
Posted by: Andy Bromage | February 03, 2010 at 05:26 PM
Katie, thanks so much! We had a great day and it was fun to be back in my old stomping grounds - used to swim in Lake Elmore when we were kids!
Andy, I, too, am not overly fond of the idea of freezing, drowning or dying! Count me OUT! But after talking to the head of the Water Rescue team who assured me that it would take at LEAST 20 minutes in the water to totally DIE, I felt somewhat reassured. Plus, even if you pass out after hitting the water, there are about 4 dudes in wetsuits there to lug your carcass out of the water. Feel reassured? ;) We'll see how we feel when January 2011 rolls around! Diane is IN!
Posted by: Eva Sollberger | February 04, 2010 at 02:09 PM