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June 29, 2007
The Bristol Stomp
Jeez, I love getting into the town of Bristol, tucked among the mountains, a perfect village hamlet.Today I had a pick-up at the Bristol headquarters of Vermont Bicycle Tours, out on the Monkton Road. What a colorful Main Street - Cubber's, the Bobcat Cafe, the Village Creemmee. Like how many E's could you squeeze into one word? Deeeelightful.
The symbol of Bristol is a huge, roadside rock squatting inches off the main street on the northern outskirts of town. It's inscribed with a white-painted Biblical quote. How this boulder wasn't blasted to smithereens by the village fathers when the road was paved way back when is a happy mystery to me.
On the turn at the Lincoln Road, vehicles were parked on the side of the road for one of the state's wonderful swimming areas. Along this stretch of the New Haven River, the water flows wildly over the rocks, creating eddies and pools and white waterfalls. I felt like diving into the deep blue and frolicking with the locals.
Historical Note: For those too young to remember, the Bristol Stomp was a song that spurred a dance craze in the pre-Beatles early '60s.
June 29, 2007 at 08:35 PM in Just Shoot Me | Permalink
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As a Vermonter I am sad to say I have never been to Bristol - perhaps I should pay this town a visit? After all what Vermonter would turn down a Creemmee?
Posted by: Erin | Jul 1, 2007 11:04:28 PM
Not to be brusque, Erin, but how can you call yourself a Vermonter when you've never been to Bristol? Sheesh . . .
Bristol is one of those towns, like Vergennes, that takes great pride on putting on parades. I know they got big doings scheduled for Independence Day. So, there's your chance.
Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Jul 2, 2007 10:33:11 AM
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