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June 29, 2007

The Bristol Stomp

Jeez, I love getting into the town of Bristol, tucked among the mountains, a perfect village hamlet.Today I had a pick-up at the Bristol headquarters of Vermont Bicycle Tours, out on the Monkton Road. What a colorful Main Street - Cubber's, the Bobcat Cafe, the Village Creemmee. Like how many E's could you squeeze into one word? Deeeelightful.

The symbol of Bristol is a huge, roadside rock squatting inches off the main street on the northern outskirts of town. It's inscribed with a white-painted Biblical quote.Img_0046 How this boulder wasn't blasted to smithereens by the village fathers when the road was paved way back when is a happy mystery to me.

On the turn at the Lincoln Road, vehicles were parked on the side of the road for one of the state's wonderful swimming areas.Img_0048 Along this stretch of the New Haven River, the water flows wildly over the rocks, creating eddies and pools and white waterfalls. I felt like diving into the deep blue and frolicking with the locals.

Historical Note: For those too young to remember, the Bristol Stomp was a song that spurred a dance craze in the pre-Beatles early '60s.

June 29, 2007 at 08:35 PM in Just Shoot Me | Permalink


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As a Vermonter I am sad to say I have never been to Bristol - perhaps I should pay this town a visit? After all what Vermonter would turn down a Creemmee?

Posted by: Erin | Jul 1, 2007 11:04:28 PM

Not to be brusque, Erin, but how can you call yourself a Vermonter when you've never been to Bristol? Sheesh . . .

Bristol is one of those towns, like Vergennes, that takes great pride on putting on parades. I know they got big doings scheduled for Independence Day. So, there's your chance.

Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Jul 2, 2007 10:33:11 AM

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