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November 09, 2007
Still Tubing It
It's been a long while since I posted under the category, "My TV Addiction." It's not that I have stopped or even cut down on my viewing. I wish. No, the reason is my belated discovery that blogging about television represents the hands-down corniest, dweebiest - all right, let's say it - lamest use of weblogs since they came into existence. Who knew? Well, everybody I guess, except me.
But, what can I say? My TV addiction continues unabated. I figure I might as well put it to some, if not good, use.
Two new comedy series were introduced late last season: "'Til Death," and "Rules of Engagement." Both of these shows are semi-funny and semi-watchable. In other words, if I have the TV on and there's nothing better, I'll tune in.
What strikes me about these two sitcoms is their identical plot. Both feature a middle-aged couple, married for quite a while, who are friends with a twenty-something, newlywed couple. The older couple is cynical and jaded about marriage (quelle surprise!), while the younger twosome is - you got it! - bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I guess the TV wizards wanted to hit both demographics.
The older husband on "'Til Death" is played by Brad Garrett, late of "Everybody Loves Raymond," and on "Rules of Engagement" by Patrick Warburton, who played "Putty" to hilarious effect on "Seinfeld." These guys are pretty much the named stars of their shows, although "R of E" also has the ever smarmy David Spade as a regular.
Isn't TV amazing? The plots on these two shows could be switched with each other any week because the premise and characterization are the same. Either one of these shows could be much better; I find the writing just too predictable, never daring or deep.
Ah well - anybody out there digging either one of these series? What are you watching this fall season?
November 9, 2007 at 07:24 PM in My TV Addiction | Permalink
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What am I watching? Lessee...
Heroes, Survivor and Desperate Housewives.
Posted by: AustinDriveGuy | Nov 9, 2007 8:28:26 PM
"a middle-aged couple, married for quite a while, who are friends with a twenty-something, newlywed couple. The older couple is cynical and jaded about marriage (quelle surprise!), while the younger twosome is - you got it! - bright-eyed and bushy-tailed."
Wouldn't that description work for "I Love Lucy" -- give or take some of the details??
The last episode of "Lucy" aired Fifty years, four months, four days ago ... but the TV wizards have been rehashing the basic form ever since -- sometimes it's worked, but most often not.
I haven't found much good in the new tv line up, other than "Pushing Dasies". Jon Stewart is the only thing keeping me from dropping cable TV.
How about a sitcom about a cab driver in a small New England city who moonlights as a columnist? Sort of a "Sex in the City" meets "Taxi" meets "Newhart" ... ???
Posted by: one_vermonter | Nov 10, 2007 12:00:14 PM
You are so on the money, one_vermonter. TV has been forever rehashing some of the original shows, "I Love Lucy" and "The Honeymooners" on the top of that list.
I do like your idea for a series built around a cabbie in a small New England city who moonlights as a columnist. Where did you come up with it? For a name, I'd call it, "Sex in the Taxi."
And, ADG, you still watching "Survivor?" C'mon, man - that's so 2005! "Desperate Housewives" is definitely a hoot-and-a-half, though I kind of gave up on it last year when the story line went kablooie. "Heroes" I've heard great things about, but haven't yet gotten into.
Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Nov 10, 2007 12:53:46 PM
Sigh, you are making me miss cable, for reals. My silly TV secret pleasure was Two and a Half Men. That show is naughty and funny - really!
I also think Hackie should star in his own series. Perhaps your cab needs to be outfitted with hidden cameras to add some visuals to your tales...?
Posted by: Eva | Nov 16, 2007 12:20:53 AM
Oh yeah, Eva - "Two and a Half Men" is a hoot-and-a-half. That kid is an amazingly accomplished little actor.
My cab will never be outfitted with cameras, I swear! Over my dead body, etcetera and so forth. No, the stories are the stories, and the driving is the driving. Hackie fans will just have to be satisfied with my masterful word pictures!
Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Nov 16, 2007 12:45:40 AM
Drop the cable! CBS, NBC, ABC, ABC Family, FOX, Comedy Central/Adult Swim, and many other channels have put their shows online with minimal advertisements. Add to that the sites like surfthechannel.com, moviesfoundonline.com, etc. & there's no reason to have it.
Posted by: Cat woodward | Nov 26, 2007 4:15:36 PM
That's a good idea, Cat. The thing is, I don't enjoy watching extended video footage on the computer - it strains my eyeballs! Maybe I need a better monitor or something?
Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Nov 26, 2007 7:41:24 PM
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