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December 28, 2007

First Night Burlington

Beginning in 1982, Burlington was the second city in the country, after Boston, to put on a "First Night" - an alcohol-free community New Year's Eve celebration. Our Queen City is nothing if not cutting edge.

It's a wild day and night for me, the busiest of the year for hacking, with no close second. I won't get rolling until 8pm, because that's when I finish up my First Night gig at the First Congregational Church. For the fourth year, ol' Jernigan will be making two appearances, at 4 and at 7. I invite y'all to the show. Come early - the Church venue seats 200, but we always sell out.

The day has become a wonderful yearly ritual for me. My mother-in-law - whom, notwithstanding decades of stand-up comedians, I adore - Jet Blues-it from Long Island. She, my wife and brother all get into the act helping me prepare, set-up and sell Hackie books. Between shows we hang out at the City Market tent for hot dogs and coffee. Woo-hoo!

I do many appearances throughout the year at bookstores, schools and organizations, but First Night is the mother of all shows for me. It's congruent that it happens in a church, because the yearly connection with the community in this way revives me spiritually.

Hope to see you there. Happy New Year.

December 28, 2007 at 06:41 PM in Stuff I Love | Permalink


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Saw your First Night show last year. It was really wonderful ... but your fly was down. That was seriously funny. I actually don't remember anything you said ... I just remember that the barn door was WIDE OPEN. Everyone around me noticed it. I heard several people talking about it after the show and even later in the everning ...

Ahh. Of course, this is all just a joke. Did I have you going?? Just a little bit?? Did you blush just a little bit? Or could you see through the whole thing?

I actually did see the 7pm show, and it really was wonderful. The whole time I was thinking that you must have been loosing a fortune in fares. But it was fun ... and that bit about carving the elephant ... seriously good stuff.

Happy New Year Jernigan. May the tank always be full, the chrome polished to a shine and the fares sober, happy and generous.

Posted by: one_vermonter | Dec 30, 2007 10:41:59 PM

Thanks, one_vermonter, and you seriously had me going about the unzipped fly. Even though you were kidding, it reminds me to double-check this year!

Posted by: Jernigan Pontiac | Dec 30, 2007 11:16:11 PM

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